Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS)

The operation of a UAS beyond the capability of the flight crew members to see the aircraft with vision unaided by any device other than corrective lenses

32 Mile Critical Package Delivery

As part of our ongoing flight systems development, the Drone America flight team partners with the State of Nevada UAS Test Site and other authorized entities to plan and fly missions that push the boundaries of commercial UAS operations. 

All of the aircraft we design, manufacture and operate are built specifically with multi mission BVLOS operation as a primary ability. 

Since our beginning our flight teams frequently conduct BVLOS operations with our airspace partners. One particularly exciting set of missions involved our Savant UAS. This mission included a series of BVLOS test flights that lead up to a record breaking long distance BVLOS flight covering 32 nautical miles. During this flight we accomplished three simultaneous goals:

  1. The delivery of a critical supplies package to the Hawthorne Industrial Airport which consisted of emergency supplies that would typically be used in a wilderness search and rescue mission.
  1. The testing of a mounting and ignition system for UAS cloud seeding flares.
  1. A 360 degree visible light survey of the Walker Lake shoreline and south wildlife delta.

This record-setting commercial beyond line of sight mission was flown under the Nevada UAS Test Site’s FAA Certificate of Authorization (COA) with supervision from the Nevada Institute for Autonomous Systems(NIAS).  Our Drone America Savant unmanned aircraft reached an altitude of 1,500 feet AGL and completed its one-hour BVLOS flight covering a total distance of just over 32 nautical miles.  

“We have accomplished an important milestone, one that has the ability to make a positive impact upon humanity.  For many years Drone America’s team has been focused upon building turnkey solutions that are both commercially viable yet also have a beneficial effect upon the world in which we live.  Remote critical package delivery can include such items as medical equipment (AED) and supplies such as vaccines, EpiPens, anti-venom, even a Search and Rescue survival package. The right package at the right time”

Mike Richards, CEO and Founder of Drone America.