
Flight Experience

Lake Tahoe

Bi-State,  Multi-Agency Fire Evacuation Training

Dynamic Joint Operations with Manned Aircraft

The Bi-State Evacuation Drill is a collaboration between Drone America, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District along with Washoe County Emergency Management, Washoe County Sheriff’s Office, Nevada Division of Forestry (NDF), Nevada Army National Guard, Nevada Highway Patrol, California Highway Patrol, North Tahoe Fire Protection District, Cal Fire, Placer County Emergency Management, Placer County Sheriff’s Department, Red Cross, IVGID, and other partnering agencies. This was one of the first times, in our nation, where commercial drones conducted simultaneous operations with manned emergency aircraft in the same airspace during a real time scenario with the common mission of saving lives and property.

During flight operations Incident Command called for UAS support of a severely injured firefighter (simulated) in need of plasma and medical supplies to sustain victim until air extraction could arrive. Coordinates of the remote hilltop location were received and verified. Working with Local EMT’s our flight team configured the required payload and a mission was launched.

Taking off at a ground altitude of 6,236 ft. MSL and covering a flight distance of 4.5 miles Drone America’s VTOL Savant climbed 1,000 feet to 7,250 ft. MSL, 250 ft. AGL above the drop point. Due to the tall tree cover and the lack of a safe landing zone the package was airdropped successfully by parachute to the waiting ground team. The mission took 6 minutes and 45 seconds to deliver the critical care supplies while avoiding steep terrain and other air traffic.

During the drop mission Incident Command had developed concerns that the fire front was advancing on the team providing treatment to the victim. Subsequently, we were requested to provide real time visual reconnaissance of the drop area and the affected ground team.

As the VTOL Savant was returning to base, our flight team readied the ISR (Information Surveillance and Reconnaissance) payload. Upon return of the VTOL Savant, the Drop Payload was replaced with the ISR payload and the aircraft was readied for immediate return to scene. The VTOL Savant was launched within a less than 10-minute turnaround time. Once on station the VTOL Savant achieved the commanded ISR target altitude of 8,200 ft MSL, 1,200 ft AGL above the target area while transmitting geo referenced live video of the scene to multiple locations, including incident command and flight operations.

While the VTOL savant was on station the recovery Blackhawk helicopter was dispatched.  The Drone America team was in contact with Incident Air Command during the entire mission and coordinated airspace with the recovery Blackhawk helicopter. The recovery Blackhawk arrived on scene 10 minutes after the VTOL Savant arrived on station and operated between 700 ft. and 1050 ft. below the VTOL Savant.

Under the overwatch of the VTOL Savant, the simulated injured firefighter was airlifted to safety. The team on the ground was advised of the advancing fire in real time and Incident Command maintained real time situational awareness of the developments on the ground. After the Blackhawk departed the area and the firefighting team was headed out in a safe direction, the DA VTOL Savant returned to base successfully.

Total mission time for both primary and secondary missions was 1 hour 16 minutes. Total distance covered: 23.4 miles including transition and time over the target areas.

“North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District is in the process of becoming a response partner with Drone America due to their capabilities and their intelligence gathering.  The Bi-State Evacuation Drill was a clear demonstration of how we can all work together, potentially saving lives and saving tax payers dollars.  It is a pleasure working with Drone America and we look forward to future endeavors, together.

Ryan Sommers, Fire Chief of North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District.